Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mischief Managed.

So, I have never claimed to be perfect, but since I have revealed a lot about living with David, I figured it was time to do some confessing of my own ...

  1. Sometimes I barely make it out of my pjs before David comes home for lunch. I'll rush to put on clothes when he says he's coming home so I look like I've been productive all day.
  2. I act like I like a really clean house, but typically at the end of the day the den is full of my scattered shoes and books.
  3. And when I do clean things up, really I just hide them. We keep losing things because I've "cleaned them up so well." The truth is I keep shoving things in weird places only to find them two months after they are needed.
  4. Sometimes, I end up cooking a "three course meal," but this does not mean what you think. It means first the meat or main dish is ready, so I make David eat it before it's cold. Then the side dishes finish, followed finally by the rolls. I just can't get my timing down. 
  5. And finally, this confession may make some say "duh," but I am a little bit of a drama queen. Example: All along I have been "okay" with going to see Harry Potter not at midnight this time. "Logically" it would be cheaper to go to the matinee the next day. "Logically" it would be easier not to fight the crowds. But suddenly, yesterday morning, I was in tears because never ever again would there be a midnight showing of Harry, and I wouldn't be able to tell my children I celebrated the last Harry Potter at midnight with the world. Truthfully, I wanted to fight the crowd, cheer when the movie began, the works.

So, tonight we will fight the crowds, pay too much money and celebrate! And here's the truth: I'm not very clean, I'm not a great cook, and sometimes, I may be slightly illogical, but I sure am thankful for David who puts up with me - Mischief Managed :)


  1. So sorry-- I see a lot of genetics in those confessions!

  2. this post makes me smile and miss you more than ever!


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