Monday, November 15, 2010

FRIDAY: See You at Midnight

When I put the two words "Harry Potter" in a blogpost, I know some people will immediately quit reading. However, this is not just about Harry Potter. This is not just about books and nerdy fads. Really, it's about growing up. When Harry Potter first hit the bookshelves, I was ten turning eleven. I was a 5th grader who was learning to switch classes and had a locker for the very first time. I was making fortune tellers in class and predicting everyone's future. I had a skip-it and loved showing boys how tough I was by eating insane amounts of warheads.

And you know who else was ten? Harry Potter. While I was collecting Pogs, he was collecting chocolate frog cards. When I was playing on my first basketball team, he was trying out for quidditch, and when I took the SAT, he was taking his OWLS. As each book came out, the characters in Harry Potter grew up with the rest of the kids born in 1987. They were freaking out about tests, getting first kisses, and dealing with serious changes in the world at the exact same time we did. He was part of our culture. (published in 1997, first movie released in 2000)

And that's what makes this story so great at its core; readers/viewers get to grow up with these kids. We come of age with them. So, if you can't get into the magic, simply enjoy growing up with three good friends.  Get Ready - Deathly Hallows this Friday!

       (Hermoine, Harry and Ron age 10)                             (Laura age 10)


  1. What a classic picture- no not the one of Harry and his friends- the one of you in your American girl pjs with roller blades-- SITTING on your daddy while he's wearing headphones. Christmas morning at its best!

  2. omg - are you serious? that picture (of you - duh) is awesome. love the american girl pajamas plus roller blade combo. and looks like your dad is figuring out how to play something/put something together. if it weren't for my parents assembly i would have never played with anything. way to go, jim and charlie!


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