Sunday, May 1, 2011

What's all the hype about?

Have I ever mentioned how much I love hype? It probably stems from a ridiculous love of people, but I love being a part of ANYTHING that has "hype." Normally, it's not the thing being "hyped" about that I love, but more the reactions, the unbelievable amount of time people go to to prove how much they love something.  For example: I love going to midnight showings of any movie. Preferably it is a movie I love (HARRY POTTER), but really I will go along just to see mobs of people dressed funny and giddy with excitement. What else? Any sporting event, any crazy fad, any themed event - you say today is national cupcake day, I will certainly eat one - and  talk like a pirate day, I will call you mate allll day - by the way, happy "halfoween" today.  Just about the only thing I won't participate in is National No Pants Day.

Anyway, point being, I enjoyed two very "hyped" events this weekend as a break from paper writing:

1) THE ROYAL WEDDING:    (picture from there)
Truthfully, I don't need to talk about this at all because everyone has. It was beautiful, fascinating, and fun to giggle at the weird hats. But what will I remember for years about one of the most "hyped" weddings of all time? Probably not the hats or the wild crowds: Instead, I will remember climbing into bed with my mom in our PJS, Dad bringing us coffee as we watched, and listening to my mom reminisce about watching Princess Diana's wedding with her Mom. Suddenly, the royal weddings were a dot to dot of history, tying generations together. I wonder if I'll have a daughter one day, and if we'll giggle about silly British hats and the guards who don't smile.

This weekend, David and I also crowded into the streets of Athens with thousands of people to see road bikes do 80 1km laps of the downtown (total of 50 ish miles).  The cyclists (not bikers as David frequently reminds me) averaged around 35 miles an hour as they circled the downtown buildings.  And did I mention the race is AT NIGHT - IN THE DARK? Massive flood lights shine on the streets as the bikes whizz by in a blur.  Fences keep the crowds from pouring into the streets, but spectators are almost close enough to reach out and touch the riders. (oh and there are AWESOME WRECKS!)  If you ever hear of a Criterium near you, GO - it's a fascinating sport. And now, back to the books for one final week.


  1. I loved the "watching" and coffee-- I have officially added it to one of my favorite moments of my life. :) By the way-- being the "dot" between Jackie and Laura--- is totally a privilege!!

  2. totally just got chills while reading the paragraph about the wedding! you and your mama are the cutest.


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