Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snail Mail

Did you know? 6,76l - That's the average # of mail pieces processed each second by the US postal service.  As a letter-lover, I will proudly be adding to this number because this week is National Letter Writing Week! So, think of someone you haven't heard from in a while or someone who needs encouragement and send them a note. Heck, could even just grab the yellow pages and write a rando. Take a break from facebook, email, etc. and remember your handwriting. 

1) Love postcards? Then you need to know postcrossing
2) Need something to write your note on? (one, two, three, four)
3) Letters to read: Screwtape Letters and A Severe Mercy
4) Letters to watch: Castaway, PS I Love You, and even if it's email, You've Got Mail

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