Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jumping on the Bandwagon

{Written two days ago}
From the very instant the ball passed through the goal post, we could hear doors slamming and the sound of pounding feet on wet concrete... people were running toward Toomers. I know Auburn is all over blogs, twitter, facebook, the news and ESPN, but I can't help it. I have to say something too. I must write about it because winning the National Championship was unforgettable.

We too were sprinting minutes after the field goal was kicked.  David grabbed toilet paper while I grabbed the camera, and we ran like competitive six year olds dying to "get there first." But as we crested the hill on Magnolia, we could already see the crowds.  Downtown was packed like the streets of NYC on New Year's Eve.  The smell of cigars hung in the air and familiar Auburn cheers broke out randomly for miles in the sea of people around the tree. David hoisted me up on his shoulders where I could see TV cameras bobbing up and down in the masses and camera flashes blanketed the crowd like twinkling strings of christmas lights. For hours, people hovered around the tree, celebrating and throwing toilet paper til the streets themselves were unrecognizable.  For a night, it was a city without rules. (only thing not permitted was the presence of cars)

There is something unbelievable about being in such a mass of people.  To sing and dance and cheer in the streets with hundreds of people you don't know for a similar love... now THAT is great.
Oh Auburn Loveliest on the Plains. WARRRR EAGLE!
(Chisik, Toomers, RECORD)

*Panoramic View of Toomer's Corner*

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