Monday, November 29, 2010

All for Soup

Today is a tomato soup and grill cheese day if there has ever been one.
Sadly, since the thanksgiving holiday out-of-town, our pantry was bare. So, if I wanted grill cheese and soup for lunch, I was going to have to make a trip to the grocery store. ("dun-dun" or other menacing music inserted here) As much as a love to bake, I have tried to love the grocery store, but I just can't do it. I loathe it. No matter how much I like the food, no matter how many deals I can find, I inevitably waste time and money.
Soup, soup, soup... aisle with soup... Oooo look at those cute Ritz crackers with snowflakes on them! SNOWFLAKES! How festive! Everyone needs a cracker with a snowflake on it! 

No, Laura, no! Stay focused! THINK SOUP and grill cheese. Just keep walking. 
The festive Ritz almost had me, but I held strong... that is until I saw the holiday candles. There was an apple cinnamon, apple pie,  christmas tree, peppermint, french vanilla, fresh snow, fresh fir.... And I sniffed everyone thinking holiday thoughts, thinking how each one would bring such holiday cheer into my home.

As I set down the candle, suddenly it was as if the holiday aisle was calling out my name. I just had to know what hidden treasure was on the holiday aisle that I could not live without.  I was a lost cause. Finally, after talking myself out of glass bottle cokes and egg nog, I made it to the soup where I promptly rewarded myself by also picking up some Salt & Vinegar chips... Here you go, Laura, these are for going to the grocery store and not wasting money on things you don't need! (like these chips)

Needless to say, I survived without doing any too much damage, and got to enjoy a good ole grill cheese and tomato soup lunch. Hope you're surviving this blustery day and the grocery store too.

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