Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Thanksgiving Close Call

When Laura and I scheduled who we would spend the holidays with this year, we decided to spend Thanksgiving with the Barrons and Christmas with the Elmers (my parents) so we could get on the same holiday rotation as my sister and brother-in-law (LeighAnn and Ryan).  In preparation for our Thanksgiving break in Athens, GA with the Barrons, Laura informed me that they always dress up on Thanksgiving day.  This made me very excited.  I was a little disappointed with our Halloween costumes this year, and I saw this as a fantastic opportunity to redeem myself with some quality dressing up.  Plus, I knew there would be lots of pictures taken to document my costuming triumph.  Unfortunately, I was mistaken.  When Laura said "dress up," I was envisioning something like this...

or this...

Fortunately, Laura caught my mistake before I finished packing my bag. She simply meant dress nicely, not dress in costume.  That was what I like to say is a "close call." Whew...

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