Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tumblr - dead to me

We moved! Welcome!

I must give credit where credit is due. My dear friend, Sarah Williams, introduced me to the idea of things that are "dead to me," and it is a concept that I have fallen in love with over the years. As a matter of fact, she used to keep a list of things that were "dead to her" on her refrigerator. Things that were dead to her could be anything annoying.

"Holding-hands while wearing backpacks" - dead to me.

Classic example of something on Sarah's list. Sarah, here are some things I'd like to add:

- pens that bust in my mouth - dead to me
- cats of any kind - dead to me
- bikers on campus who don't have breaks - dead to me
- holding-hands while wearing backpacks while walking up the stairs - dead to me
OH AND tumblr - dead to me

Yeah, the blog moved because tumblr is (enter stream of cuss words here). Although it is tempting with its pretty colors and neat titles, it hates google readers, editting ANYTHING, and I'm pretty sure it hates us personally. So, welcome to our new and improved home. We promise not to keep dragging you around. Thanks for reading and by the way, what's dead to you?


  1. Laura and David, I love your blog. Laura, your Mama led my college girls' Bible Study for years back in the early 90s and I babysat you and Anne all of the time! I also babysit the Shedds and Haygoods and loved all of you beautiful children so much! I love seeing you all grown up and married, a great testimony to your parents' love for the Lord and you and Anne. I can't wait to read your blog. I hope it's okay that I found it! I'm now about the age your Mama was when she led our Bible Study and Doug & I have 5 precious children. Happy MARRIED LIFE!!!!

  2. By the way, my first name is "Ann Henley".

  3. dead to your 50 year old mom ( or mom-in-law):
    leather pants
    shoulder pads
    tennis ( sad but true)
    trying to add, subtract, multiply and divide in my head!

  4. ps-- Ann Henley- you are awesome and bible study is still happenin'

  5. Laura and David, it's Jeffrey. I'm really glad I stumbled upon this little gem. As you may not know, I find you and David to be very insightful individuals and can't wait to hear what you guys have to say. I hope all is well and I look forward to seeing you both soon! holidays maybe?


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