Saturday, May 7, 2011

Things My Mama Taught Me

My mama taught me…
  • How to hate the grocery store, and how to move like Speedy Gonzalez in it.
  • How to cook anything we set our minds to and how to borrow that last bit of sugar we forgot from the neighbors.
  • She also taught me how to eat out when I don't feel like cooking.
  • She taught me phrases like: "We'll get out of your hair now" and "Have a good day and give a good day" and "Ain't, never, ever are always adverbs (accent included)."
  • She also taught me how to talk to dogs like people: "Roxie, you are such a naughty runaway. Don't you feel guilty!?"

  • She taught me how to: Set a table, polish silver, wrap a present, plant flowers and arrange them, to waterski, to love my father well, to read and teach the Bible and other books, to shave my legs, to call professionals (calligraphy oops), to always be on time for carpool and always wake up to make breakfast, to like coffee and wine, and how to be quiet and still, and sometimes, how to say no.
Quite frankly, there's just too much that she's taught me to list it all. I sure do love you, Mama.
Happy Mother's Day!

(picture here)


  1. I love this. It blessed my heart!

  2. Amazing daughter-- what a precious gift. words are so powerful! Thank you, thank you! I love you.


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