Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today, I have a list of people you MUST know about:
1) KREE WOODS - New on the music seen in Nashville and has a show March 5th at The Rutledge, if you're in Nashville, GO!!!

And Kree is officially on ITUNES, so check her out! The Elmers love you and miss you in Auburn, Kree!!

2) PAUL MCDONALD - Like Kree, Paul went to Auburn, and is on American Idol this season. He has just made it to the Top 24, so vote for him tonight!!!

We'll be celebrating with his little sis tonight reminding everyone to VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!

3) THE GREATEST PUTT-PUTT SHOT EVER: JT Thoms, also a musician I might add, became famous over night for this very shot.  Mentioned on ESPN websites and even Jimmy Fallon, here it is:

Sheer talent haha - MISS YOU JT & BETHANY!

Also, two more videos really worth watching:
Children Of Grace

Bogere Limon from Children of Grace on Vimeo.


I know I'm really obsessed with videos this week, but I'm just so proud to share these wonderful people with y'all!!

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