Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve eve.

It's the Eve of the Eve, and I have a few last minute holiday links to bring you cheer!
  • HOLDAY CHEER: If you're looking for something to dance around to while you cook in the kitchen or wrap gift tomorrow, check out these free albums and their familiar faces (here & here)
  • WRAPPING IDEAS: Here and here you can find more last minute christmas tags so you don't forget whose gift is whose, or stay some moola by recycling!
  • GOODIES? Try these great holiday treats: christmas tree meringues, peppermint patties or just buy some good ole fashion candy.
For the very first time in my life, I'm spending christmas in a house where girls are totally out-numbered by boys. So, farewell! I'm off to Halo training sessions, ping-pong tournaments, and lots and lots of homemade chex-mix. Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

**ALSO,  two hilarious clips: this video you shouldn't miss & Fallon's #hohohellono**
(picture here)

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