(click picture to enlarge)
Today I am celebrating with Auburn University. Congrats on being ranked #1 in the BCS! Still, we must remember, as best put by Gene Chizik himself, "This place was great way before we got here." How neat to be part of such a rich history.
So, want some Auburn History? Today, while I was supposed to be learning about teaching research in the library, I was, of course, not listening and found this little picture in an old Glomerata. Man, in 1952 Auburn must have been a sexy place to live. Just look at those couples. This looks like it could be any dorm in the quad, and let me tell you, I never experienced this hot-and-heavy atmosphere at Auburn. I guess, considering that no coed anything existed, everyone had to hang around outside.
So, maybe this is not really a history or a football celebration, but an ode to the passion of Auburn.
Zora Neale Hurston (from Notasulga - just 15 min. from Auburn) put it best, saying:
"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place."
We love you, Auburn.
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