Thursday, October 14, 2010

Elmer food

Every so often Laura will be out of the house at lunch or dinner time, leaving her helpless husband to fend for himself for food. Now, unless she has left me directions on how to cook something or has already made my sandwich and cut it into neat triangles, I will either forget to eat or eat a whole box of
granola bars (those things aren't going to eat themselves people!). At lunch time yesterday I found myself in this predicament: a hungry David, no Laura, no directions, no pre-cut sandwich. But this time I decided to actually fix myself a quesadilla for lunch.

Now, normally there are two ways to make a quesadilla. You can make a half-sized one using a single tortilla, folded over, with cheese in the middle (what I will from now on call "Barron-sized"), or you can make a full-sized one using two tortillas with cheese in the middle. Since I had remembered to eat lunch, I figured I would reward myself by eating a lot, and thus, full-sized. But a full-sized quesadilla didn't seem to be good enough. And that was when I had a stroke of genius. I folded over my full-sized quesadilla and put cheese between that fold too, resulting in a full-sized-halfsie quesadilla!!!

Not only did it weigh about 3 pounds, but it was so cheesy I didn't think I would be able to finish it. But I did because that's what being an Elmer is all about - Not only must you finish all the food on your plate, but you're expected to finish every morsel on the whole table. And we excel at this.

I guess you could say that "Elmering" some food would be demolishing 5,000 calories in a single sitting and living to tell the tale.


  1. Did you use the George Forman technique that I used to use by adding steak sauce to it? It makes the need for meat almost obsolete.

  2. i think you have successfully entered laura's creative space, and are sharing it nicely with this post :)

  3. Barron-sized...LOVE it!!! Even the picture of the ridiculously amazing looking quesadilla with pretzel sticks looks creative and a little artsy. Kudos to you - you guys are way too adorable!


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