Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Living with David

Since David hasn't posted since he decided it would be funny to make fun of my love for christmas ornaments, I thought I'd write a little about what it is like to live with David. One of the things that has most recently entertained me is what I would like to call the "song obsession." The "song obsession" is not usually a song that is popular at the moment or up-and-coming. Instead, a "song obsession" is just a song David has forgotten existed and he gets re-excited about it again. I usually know an obsession is coming when I hear guitar chords drifting from the bedroom. If I listen close enough, I can hear a youtube video play-pause, then him copying it exactly on the guitar. Over and over. The next morning, while I'm lying in bed or getting breakfast ready, I may even hear the same tune being whistled or rehearsed in the shower. Then, unconsciously through the week, he will randomly sing the refrain. Over and over.

But the grand finale of the obsession usually happens when we are doing something boring (or I'm in a bad mood). For example, I may be cleaning up dinner, rinsing off the dishes, and suddenly THE song of the week will blasting through our speakers while David does some little jig around the kitchen, trying to get me to stop whatever I'm doing and dance around with him.  For a few days, "Judy in Disguise" had us ending everything "with gla-sses!" So, here are few of the song David's been doing his jig to lately.

Recent song obsession:

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