Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hunger Games Valentines & "Slogging"

I have recently learned the term "Slogger," and I'm pretty sure it exactly defines me and my recent blogging habits (Thank you, Jennifer). I admit it - I am a slow blogger (or slogger), and it has been forever since I wrote a real blog about the Elmer household, but the truth is, recently, I have felt guilty about spending time blogging because there is always something else I should be doing (like grading papers or maybe reading the two articles I have left for my 12:00 class).  However, I truly don't mean to write to complain, but to explain my sloppy, slogging habits. Forgive me, and here for your enjoyment is a pretty accurate diagram of the life as a Freshman Composition Teacher: 

I especially think 1, 5 and 6 apply, and #1 in particular since now I'm officially on "Rate My Professor," which can only lead to no good. However, other than school, life at the Elmer house has truly changed. There is a new member of the family...

Meet Louis, adorable dog who thinks hair dryers are delicious, who can actually detect farts and who loves to turn off the lights... if only we could get that last one on command I think I'd have a new topic for my sustainability students: Energy-saving dogs! Louis is a Brittany who helps David teach frisbee and keeps me awake while I read Shakespeare. He's been a blast and will definitely lead to interesting stories in the future. Well, anyways, better head back to work! I might be a slogger, but I'll try to promise a little entertainment now and then. If you're spending Valentine's Day at desk, celebrate with one of my recent addictions, 8tracks (free iPhone app too) where there's a "mix tape" for every occasion. Have a Happy Valentine's Day!!

1 comment:

  1. is there such thing as an ultra slogger? because i think that would be me...lol


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