Friday, July 8, 2011

Coastal Dreaming

The thing about the beach is it's one of the only places to experience the world's rhythms peacefully. No daily traffic, daily chaos; just tide in, tide out. Sun up, sun down. Hoping for a beach trip soon.


  1. Your post reminded me of the book ~ "The Gift of the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

    If you haven't read it...highly recommend!!! (easy, quick, too). A good re-read, as you can usually glean something different and new, because you are at a different place in your life each time you read it.

    Happy Summer Reading!!!

    L., Mrs. T.

    P.S. LOVED seeing you, sweetie. Thanks for coming.

  2. wishing for a small miracle--- there's a room waiting! Thanks for putting into words one of the reasons that I long for the beach.
    love you!


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