Friday, March 11, 2011


Have I ever mentioned that I love riding in the car?  It's more than that I think... I LOVE CARS: sleeping in them, singing in them, driving them.  It's fascinating to me that on the highway, everyone is riding around in their own little world.  I love to make up stories about people in the cars next to me in traffic, and I must say, I'm a champion at the alphabet car game.

Three years ago, when David and I were in our first year of dating, we pushed the limits of how much we enjoyed each other's company and drove to Mexico.  At the end of our 16 hour road trip, we were meeting the rest of an RUF group (who had flown) for a mission trip.

With a pound of sour patch kids, a playlist of songs about Mexico, a giant road atlas, and some 5-hour energy drinks, we hit the road.  And I must say, it was quite an adventure - especially since we drove down in my Volkswagen beetle which hit 100,000 miles in Texas.  We sang with the windows down in the heat, only to have to beg for water in a small, random strip mall.  

Now, two years later, we're off again.  Tomorrow, we're driving from Auburn to Miami to see the Tufts (about 11 hours)! Can't wait to be with family, friends and sit in the sun... 

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics! Cute...haha.

    Have a safe trip and a great time!

    (I like to make up stories about people in restaurants).

    L., Mrs. T.


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