Sunday, April 17, 2011

No pigtails. No tube-tops. No crying.

Do it. Just buy it. And honestly, I would even say buy the audio book version. BOSSYPANTS.

This weekend, on the way to David's triathlon, we listened to Tina Fey read her new book, Bossypants, and I must say, I can't get enough. We were both dying with laughter in the car, and we listened for 4 hours straight. So, if you love 30 Rock as much as we do... or SNL or Mean Girls or Baby Mama (let's face it, she's a genius)... BUY THIS BOOK. And you too will know Tina Fey treasures like her advice for working in a male-dominated work place: "No pigtails, no tube-tops, no crying."

Get it. Do it.

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