Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Oh the Irony.

It is only perfect that today is International Kissing Day since the past two weekends have been full of romance. Three of my friends have gotten engaged in the past 10 days, two of the engagements which I was very lucky to be a part of.  A part of what you ask? Well… mountains, beaches, starlight talks, dolphins and fireworks… yeah, I'd say it's been a stinkin' disney movie around here. But really, I am SO excited that my friends are getting to start such an adventure; Especially since they've been walking with me through one for almost a year now (woohoo)! We've had so many crazy adventures together, but a big part of those experiences is having a place to go home to and that's what they're getting to start -- So PUCKER UP today -- kiss your wife/husband/bf/gf/bff/dog/icecream carton/random stranger and be thankful for life's little adventures. (And here are two very appropriate movie scenes!)

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