Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thought for today.

When summer was turning into fall last August, I planted a bunch of flowers and herbs in a little window basket at our house. Pretty much everything died when the weather turned cold, but there has been a revival of one plant. A few weeks ago, right in the middle of the window basket, a bunch of green sprouts showed their heads. Week after week, this one plant has grown significantly, so I begin to watch it, water it, nurture it back to life. Then, last week as I was coming into the house after class, and I realized there were these tiny horrible flying bugs all over the plant where the new leaves were growing.

I was sure they were eating my champion plant, so I started shooing them and attempting to kill the strawberry-seed-sized pests, but there were too many. They were everywhere. Yesterday, however, I walked by, and I could swear that plant had grown two inches. And there were those bugs, still perched all over the stem.

I will admit that I know very little about plants and gardening etc, etc, but I love to watch things grow.  So, I thought to myself, these insects that look gross and pest-like could quite possibly be helping my little sprout. How many times in life do we think something is killing us or something is placed in our lives that is just a pain or life just doesn't go the way we planned it? For me - often.  But really and truly, the little black pests in life we didn't want and we didn't plan for may have a serious purpose and just may be helping us grow. Just a little thought for today...

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