Friday, December 10, 2010

Spare time...

Now that school is out, I'm all over some christmas crafting.  Our latest project has been these caroling banners. Please excuse the bad photography, our kitchen lighting isn't the best. Inspired by this website, we decided these were the perfect fun and cheap decorations. So, last night, we played around cutting out letters, dipping pretzels in chocolate and listening to a Louis Armstong Holiday pandora station. And now, our walls officially say, "Fa la la la la" and "Pa rumpa pum pum" - two of the most recognizable lines in all of christmas songs, of course. 

What's next on the list? Maybe some Martha Stewart….

Or how about doing a little thrifting, finding some old sweaters, and making these as gifts? What a great house warming present! I think this craft may take the cake. 

Anyways, hope all of your holidays are filled with cheer and hope these fun ideas give you something to do on a cold winter's day. 

*And for some really great downloadable xmas tags, click here!

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