{perpetual calendars}
I admit it. I'm completely addicted to calendars. I would say it helps me keep my life organized or maybe that it helps me keep my days straight, but there is just something more to it than that. I love writing down all the moments I have to look forward to, and, at the same time, I also keep track of those days that may do me in. Calendars are like diaries without sentences - they tell all about our lives in pieces, lists and jotted notes. If someone got a hold of my personal calendar, they would know everything from what I eat to who I spend my days with. There are calendars in on my desk, my purse, on the fridge and even in my bathroom. So, as the sand runs low in 2010, here are a few lovely day-counters to sprinkle around your home.
My friends, make your days count.
i think my mom is your second mother. have you seen this blog post of hers??